• RA Podcast • Heartbreak

Heartbreak turn in an hour-plus mix of Italo, electro and more on this week's RA podcast.

We'd call it cheesy, but then Ali Renault and Sebastian Muravchik, the duo behind Heartbreak, might just come and beat us up. Nonetheless, Heartbreak's debut album is a compendium of Italo disco and disco disco sounds and vocals that celebrates a style of music still all too often derided for its vapidity.

Like much of the music that appears on their RA podcast, though, Hearbreak's album is unrelentingly sincere, full of the same sorts of emotions that any pop music tries to get across: Love, regret, why robots have feelings too. However you feel about the perceived cheesiness is your problem: These guys certainly don't have time for your issues with synthetic horns and less-than-perfect vocalists. Instead, they're moving on to showcase tracks from their solo projects on Dissident ("Lacrimal," "Tropical Warrior") or old school techno and house. As Muravchik writes in the answers below, this is one group that thinks "music has a strong impact on our society, and if we manage to encourage people to go deeper and try to understand the true power of music, then a lot of other positive things will ensue." Amen.


