• Robert Hood - EPM Podcast No.06 [M-Plant Mix] • 16 Feb 2010

For many Robert Hood is justly revered as one of the most important and defining techno artists of our generation and EPM is proud to launch their completely redesigned website alongside one of electronic music’s most visionary composers. Featuring tracks compiled from his M-Plant catalogue past & present , the EPM Podcast series reaches new heights.
The tracklist for the mix will be posted later this week, so check back.

This summer sees Robert’s conceptual artist album ‘Omega’ based on the 1971 classic science fiction film, ‘The Omega Man’ starring Charlton Heston and derived from Richard Matheson’s 1954 novel ‘I Am Legend’ (which was recently re-adapted to the big screen). As a taster of what is to come you can see Hood dropping preceding single ‘Alpha’ here when playing at Belgium’s legendary Fuse club recently.

Robert’s new release “Alpha / Omega (End Times)” on M-Plant is released 15 March



via epm-music.com

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